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NEOBEE® and WECOBEE® Triglycerides


NEOBEE® caprylic triglycerides can serve as a source of fat in a variety of nutritional products, clouding agent in beverages, carrier for flavors, and mineral oil alternative. They provide excellent oxidative stability, is less caloric than conventional fats and does not contain trans fatty acids.

WECOBEE® triglyceride blends of vegetable oils become solid fats at room temperature. They can be used as a cocoa butter replacement for confectionary coatings, in dairy toppings, baked goods and in personal care products.

Unlike typical long chain fats that travel through the body's lymphatic system, NEOBEE® is transported directly to the liver where they are preferentially burned for energy.

Problems Solved

Fat malabsorption Infants unable to metabolize long chain fats Insoluble substances in conventional fats and oils

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