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Forced Labour Statement

Forced Labour in Canadian Supply Chains:  Bill S-211

Modern Slavery Statement 2023
(Relating to the financial year ended 31 December 2023)

Preventing all forms of slavery in our business & supply chains
In the context of the provision of the Bill S-211- Fighting Against Forced Labor and Child Labor in Supply Chains,, Inc. (NKA Chempoint LLC) (“Chempoint”) and its subsidiaries explain in this statement our efforts to identify, assess and manage the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking within our business and our supply chain.

Structure, activities, and supply chain
Chempoint is a chemical and ingredient distributor worldwide, including Canada. Chempoint is a subsidiary of Univar Solutions Inc. (DE) (NKA Univar Solutions LLC). Univar Solutions has its commercial headquarters in the United States of America at Downers Grove, IL.

Chempoint and its subsidiaries are global distributors of commodity and specialty chemicals and ingredients, as well as a provider of value-added services, to customers across a wide range of diverse industries. Chempoint purchases chemicals and ingredients from producers worldwide to warehouse, repackage, blend, dilute, transport, dispose and sell those materials safely and ethically. Chempoint operates an extensive worldwide chemical and ingredient distribution network, employing 244 employees worldwide.

Chemical and ingredient producers rely on us to safely warehouse, repackage, transport, market and sell their products.

Our commitment
As a leading global distributor of chemical raw materials and ingredients, and a critical component of supply chains across the world, our business touches countless people across the globe. Our core value to be ‘valuable to others’ drives us to conduct our business with dignity and respect for every person we impact. This includes protecting the rights of individuals who work in our business, either directly or indirectly, through the suppliers that provide us with products and services. We therefore commit to taking, and to guard against being complicit, even unknowingly, in human rights abuses. We also commit to encouraging our suppliers and business partners to adopt a similar approach and confirm they operate in a manner that demonstrates respect for people and upholds their rights.

Our Anti-Modern Slavery Policy reflect our commitment to implement, enforce and maintain effective processes and controls that are designed to ensure modern slavery and human trafficking are not present in our supply chain.

Chempoint’s Global Code of Conduct defines the standards of behavior expected of all our employees regarding ethical, respectful, and inclusive practices. Our employees are trained in our Code of Conduct and required to review and acknowledge compliance each year. We encourage our suppliers to acknowledge our Supplier Code of Conduct and commit to high ethical practices in their business.

Supported by comprehensive compliance policies and procedures, we comply with all applicable laws governing employment and hours of work and rest for all our employees around the world. Our reporting mechanisms, including a 24/7 hotline, enable any individual to report compliance concerns, including those related to human rights, without fear of retaliation. All reports of suspected or alleged human rights abuses are immediately investigated and corrective actions are taken as required. Through our risk management process, we consider adverse human rights impacts associated with our business activities and implement remediation measures where relevant.

Through supply chain mapping, vigilance, and oversight, as well as business partner collaboration, we continue to help confront modern slavery.

Due diligence processes in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking
Additionally, we further identify and mitigate risk in our supply chain through:

  • Building long-standing relationships with suppliers and embed our expectations of business behavior from the beginning.
  • Imbedding clauses in purchase orders/contracts specifying forced labor standards.
  • Monitoring potential risk areas in our business and supply chain in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking (e.g., geography, product sector)
  • Utilizing 3rd party software to identify potential risk points.
  • Additional questionnaires related to modern slavery and human trafficking to be completed by the supplier when the risk is deemed to be medium or high.

Remediation, Inc. (NKA Chempoint LLC) employs third-party tools to identify supply chain red flags or incidents, helping us detect issues in advance and take appropriate corrective actions. Through 2023, Chempoint did not identify any instances of child labor or forced labor requiring remediation.

Consistent, independent assessments of our suppliers is vital to ensuring the effectiveness that forced and child labor is not being used in our supply chain. We continue to monitor developments to remain aware of any other instances of unethical conduct and will respond where appropriate, in line with legal requirements.

All Chempoint’s employees are expected to follow and complete the mandatory Code of Conduct training, which is available in all the languages of the countries where Chempoint is established.

Product management teams are also regularly trained on specific modern slavery and human trafficking topics and on how to resolve issues with suppliers that are not compliant.

Supplementary ethical and humane sourcing training was implemented to employees who are most likely to encounter these issues in their professional roles.

In accordance with the requirements of the Act, and in particular section 11 thereof, I attest that I have reviewed the information contained in the report for the entity or entities listed above. Based on my knowledge, and having exercised reasonable diligence, I attest that the information in the report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the reporting year listed above.

Signed: Alexandra Colin
Senior Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary
May 31, 2024


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