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NPG (Neopentyl Glycol)

Key Applications

Polyester coatings; coil coatings; gel coatings; synthetic marble; polyurethane coatings; synthetic lubricants

Product Description

UPAC: 2,2-Dimethyl-1,3-propanediol; CAS Number: 126-30-7; Molecular Formula: C5H12O2 Eastman NPG (Neopentyl Glycol) is a functional glycol used as a chemical intermediate for coatings, plasticizers, and synthetic lubricants. It is commonly used as the sole glycol component, or used with a modifying glycol, to make polyester resins for industrial coatings and fiber-reinforced plastics. Neopentyl glycol is a choice chemical intermediate for coil coatings for appliances and outdoor applications as it provides thermal stability, durability, weathering, and stain resistance to the polyester resin formulation. Gel coatings made from neopentyl glycol have excellent weatherability and stain and water resistance. Neopentylglycol is also used as a chemical intermediate for polyurethane coatings for a number of industrial, automotive, aerospace and transportation applications. In the United States, Eastman NPG can be used as a reactant for coatings that come in contact with food per federal food additive regulations. NPG is available in solid and liquid form. More specific grade information (including information on boiling point, flash point, and melting point) can be found at the product pages below.

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