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OTR® Gets An Upgrade

The Next Generation of Greenclean™

Afton Chemical’s latest Greenclean™ 3 detergent technology sets new performance standards to meet upcoming challenges with emissions regulations and diesel engine design. We are pleased to introduce the new HiTEC® diesel performance additives that are formulated with Greenclean™ 3 detergent, and will replace the OTR® portfolio.

Three Ways Greenclean™ Protects You

Save On Fuel

Greenclean™ 3 detergent technology delivers superior cleanliness performance to remove harmful deposits and restore your vehicle’s fuel economy. HiTEC® products formulated with Greenclean™ 3 detergent can improve fuel economy up to 5.1%, thereby saving you money.

Reduce Maintenance

The new HiTEC® products with Greenclean™ 3 detergent are formulated to protect your engine against deposit build-up, and prevent unplanned maintenance and downtime.

Lower Emissions

Cleaner engines result in fewer CO2 and NOx emissions, providing us all the enjoyment of a cleaner and healthier environment.

Greenclean™ 3 Product Portfolio 

Overview of Product Changes

The chart below is a comparison of the old Afton diesel additives and the replacement HiTEC® products formulated with Greenclean™ 3 detergent. Contact us today to learn more or for formulation assistance.

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