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Flame Retardant Selector

Halogenated Flame Retardant

1. You chose: Flame Retardant + CHANGE
2. You chose: Plastics and Polymers + CHANGE
3. You chose: PE, PP, and TPE Resins + CHANGE
4. You chose: Halogenated Flame Retardant + CHANGE

Recommended Solutions

Based on your criteria, we recommend the following products for your solution.

BroShield® 21-B is a high-purity brominated flame retardant that offers general-purpose protection for thermoplastics, thermosets, and elastomers. 

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BroShield® 65-B is a brominated flame retardant designed for expanded and extruded polystyrene applications.

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St. Louis Group BroShield® 67-B is a high purity brominated flame retardant additive for coatings, adhesives, fabric back-coatings, and even more applications.

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BroShield® 68-B is a brominated flame retardant containing aromatic and aliphatic bromine used as an additive for polyolefins and styrene resins.

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BroShield® 70-B flame retardant is a blend of bromine and phosphorus that offers nonblooming benefits for a wide range of engineering resins and adhesives.

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