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DOWTHERM™ Synthetic Thermal Fluids

Key Applications

Asphalt Storage; Biodiesel; Chemicals; Chiral Chemistry Processes; Environmental Test Chambers; Fibers and Nylon; Fine Chemicals; Food and Beverage; Laundries; Natural Gas Processing; Oil and Gas Processing; Petroleum Product Storage; Pharmaceuticals; Plastics; Refining; Oil and Gas; Heat Recovery Exchangers; Plastics; Chemical Processing

Product Description

DOWTHERM™ heat transfer fluids provide exceptional thermal stability to meet operating requirements for highly technical and demanding temperature control in applications such as oil and gas processing, chemical processing, and pharmaceutical reactions. The Dow DOWTHERM™ synthetic portfolio of heat transfer solutions provides a range of fluid options for complex heating and temperature control for various exchangers, jacketed vessels, closed systems, and more. DOWTHERM™ fluids are manufactured by Dow Chemical, based in Midland, Michigan.

Article: Compare DOWTHERM™; to other Thermal Fluids

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