Executive Brand iodophors is a complete line of fast-acting, broad-spectrum germicides, disinfectants, hard surface cleaners, and sanitizers used in many EPA-approved product formulas. They are effective in fighting and protecting against many types of bacteria including TB, Staph, Strep, Listeria, Salmonella, and E.coli, making them ideal for hospitals, doctor's offices, and many industrial and institutional applications. In addition, using these highly concentrated products results in significant cost savings.
Problems Solved
High cost associated with the use of diluted cleaners and sanitizers
Sanitization products with food contact approvals
Drain system contamination and blockage
Stability of acid cleaners in high-temperature
CIP and industrial processes Increased water consumption in CIP and COP processes
Regulatory restrictions in the food and beverage industry for cleaning and sanitization products
Contamination of process equipment and water treatment systems
Undesired foaming in cleaners, sanitizers, and drain treatment solutions
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