Afton Chemical is a global leader in automatic transmission fluid (ATF) additives. Afton has worked closely with leading OEMs for decades to develop transmission fluid additives that allow for newer transmission design and provide OEMs with the benefits of dependable transmissions and improved fuel efficiency. Afton's ATF additives are engineered to meet the performance demands of these complex automatic transmission lubricants, and to provide solutions that meet a wide variety of vehicle models so that oil marketers can design a comprehensive ATF portfolio. Afton has ATF additive solutions that meet the unique frictional requirements of the various types of automatic transmissions which include step-type transmissions, continuously variable transmissions (CVT), and dual clutch transmissions (DCT). In addition, Afton's transmission additives are suitable for use in a wide variety of vehicles and can, in some instances, be licensed for DEXRON® and MERCON®. Explore the catalog of ATF additives below.
Afton Chemical is a global leader when it comes to formulating automatic transmission fluid (ATF) additives. Afton has years of extensive research and working closely with OEMs to develop additive technologies that meet the new challenges of transmission design. Learn more about our transmission fluid additive solutions and what makes Afton Automatically First™.
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