UCARCIDE™ 25antimicrobial is a glutaraldehyde based preservative and antimicrobial manufactured by LANXESS, previously by DuPont. UCARCIDE™ 25 provides superior wet-state preservation and in-can protection to a variety of water-based products and formulations in the consumer and industrial markets.
Glutaraldehyde, the active ingredient in UCARCIDE™ 25 Antimicrobial, is one of the most powerful biocidal molecules in the market today with superior effectiveness versus bacteria, mold, and yeast.
Why UCARCIDE™ 25 For Your Laundry Detergents?
UCARCIDE™ 25, a glutaraldehyde based preservative, is an ideal preservative for a variety of household, institutional and industrial formulations especially laundry detergents, cleaners, and fabric softeners for the following reasons:
Outstanding Efficacy
UCARCIDE™ 25 offers a broad spectrum of efficacy against bacteria, fungi, mold, and yeast and at a low level of use for maximum cost-efficiency gains to formulators and manufacturers.
Formulation Versatility
Glutaraldehyde, the active ingredient in UCARCIDE™ 25, is a high versatility molecule that provides the flexibility for the rapidly evolving laundry formulations in today's and tomorrow's market.
Chemistry Profile
"Glutaraldehyde" is frequently confused with "Formaldehyde" because of the "Aldehyde" chemical family name. UCARCIDE™ 25 is a formaldehyde-free product, non-carcinogenic, and readily biodegradable.
Broad Compatibility
UCARCIDE™ 25 is perfectly compatible with surfactants, thickeners antimicrobials, and other common formulation ingredients. It is also easily dissolved in water and highly tolerant to salts.
Supply Stability
If you had to change the preservative in your formulations because of availability issues and supply disruptions, you will not have to do that again with UCARCIDE™. Glutaraldehyde, the active of UCARCIDE™, is manufactured in the united states by LANXESS, previously by DuPont.
Global Approvals
UCARCIDE™ 25 is EPA approved for the use in aqueous or water containing products and systems, including industrial, institutional, and consumer in-can processes and products, to control the growth of bacteria and fungi. It also carries approvals from Canada PMRA and Europe BFR.
UCARCIDE™ 25 Top Recommended Applications
Laundry Detergents
Fabric Softeners
Multi-Purpose Cleaners
UCARCIDE™ 25 Use Level and Application Details
UCARIDE™ 25 is recommended for use in aqueous or water containing products and systems, including industrial, institutional, and consumer in-can processes and products, to control the growth of bacteria and fungi.
For effective preservation, add UCARCIDE™ 25 antimicrobial to the product formulation at a rate of 0.04% to 0.4% based on the water content of the product (0.4 to 4.0 lbs UCARCIDE™ 25 Antimicrobial per 1,000 lbs water content).
UCARCIDE™ 25 Use Limitations
UCARCIDE™ 25 antimicrobial performance can be affected by the presence of ammonia, primary amines, and enzymes the same as most of the non-oxidizing biocides and preservatives. However, the loss of efficacy may be minimized by adjusting the pH to the acidic pH range. This action will form amine salts that are far less reactive with glutaraldehyde than is the free-amine form.
UCARCIDE™ 25 antimicrobials are compatible with systems containing tertiary amines, and quaternary ammonium compounds and secondary amines (at concentrations of less than 0.05%).