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POLYOX™ Antimist Additives for Metalworking Fluids

Synthetic and semisynthetic metalworking fluid and coolant formulations have become more common in machining processes due to a greater emphasis on workplace and environmental safety. While these formulations are relatively less toxic and harmful than oil-based fluids and coolants, there are still concerns about using synthetic and semisynthetic fluids when it comes to overall shop cleanliness and safety, given that atomized fluids are airborne for long periods during machining. Additionally, synthetic and semisynthetic metalworking fluids typically do not provide as great physical lubrication as oil-based fluids, sometimes posing a performance issue.
To help mitigate these shortcomings, synthetic and semisynthetic metalworking fluid formulators have found success using IFF’s POLYOX™, a lubricious antimist additive.

POLYOX™ Antimisting Additives

Effective at Low Use Rates

POLYOX™ is a line of water-soluble polyethylene oxide resins made of linear polymers with a high molecular weight in the range of 100,000–10,000,000 g/mol. This high molecular weight is key to creating a great degree of elongational viscosity that significantly reduces misting in synthetic and semisynthetic metalworking fluids and coolants. A structural representation of POLYOX™ is presented below, along with the effect of elongational viscosity in preventing fluid misting. Here, the long polyethylene oxide chains resist stretching forces during fluid atomization and prevent the separation of larger fluid droplets into smaller ones, thereby reducing misting.


Polyethylene Oxide Structure 

Linear Polyethylene Oxide Chain 

Elongational Viscosity Imparted by Polyethylene Oxide 

Many metalworking shops control metalworking fluid misting by installing costly containment and collection systems. POLYOX™ is comparatively much cheaper to employ as it is extremely effective at low use rates. Shown below are tests that were conducted to demonstrate the efficacy of POLYOX™ in controlling metalworking fluid misting, where misting was significantly reduced by adding only 250 ppm of POLYOX™ to the formulation.




With 250 ppm of POLYOX™ N-60K

Lubricity Enhancements

POLYOX™ polymers are also highly lubricious, adding value as a lubricant additive that increases performance in metalworking fluids and coolants. Historically, the lubricity of POLYOX™ made it a useful lubricant ingredient to reduce friction in traditional applications ranging from razor strips to ceramic extrusions to pumpable concrete. Below is an experiment conducted by NASA on the average coefficient of friction of solid polyethylene oxide sliding upon itself and iron at various loads. As depicted, higher–molecular weight polymers reduce the coefficient of friction greater than lower–molecular weight polymers.


As metalworking fluid formulations trend toward using environmentally friendly ingredients, POLYOX™ is an ideal option since it is biodegradable. Polyethylene glycol, the product of the shear degradation of POLYOX™ explained above, has been shown to be degradable by several bacteria strains. While other components of metalworking fluids may or may not be biodegradable in the same mechanism as POLYOX™, formulators using POLYOX™ can consider themselves taking one step forward in developing environmentally friendly products.


POLYOX™ is a cost-effective multifunctional additive that increases the safety, performance, and sustainability of synthetic and semisynthetic metalworking fluids and coolants. Being a high–molecular weight water-soluble polymer, it creates a high degree of elongational viscosity that can significantly reduce fluid misting at very low concentrations. As POLYOX™ is a highly lubricious polymer, it is also used as a lubricant additive to increase the metalworking fluid’s ability to control friction and enhance performance. POLYOX™ is also biodegradable, making it optimal for future-focused formulations that aim to market sustainability. Click below to discuss your fluid formulation and request a sample of POLYOX™.

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