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Safer Microbial Control Solutions

LANXESS Microbial Control BIT Alternatives

LANXESS Microbial Control offers a vast array of antimicrobial and preservative solutions, with approved end-uses in HI&I, Building & Construction, Coatings, Inks, Adhesives & Agriculture. LANXESS's portfolio of preservatives includes various active chemistries, such as CMIT/MIT, Bronopol, Glutaraldehyde, NaOPP, and others, that can be easily integrated into your formulations with varying thermal, pH stability to meet your needs and product requirements.

With over 30 years of accrued experience in regulatory data, safe handling practices, and technical expertise, LANXESS Microbial Control products, previously manufactured by DuPont, offer industry-leading biocide technologies that control and prevent the growth of nuisance and dangerous micro-organisms. 

With broad-spectrum activity, excellent compatibility, and low toxicity at recommended use levels, the following solutions offer an effective alternative to BIT (benzisothiazolinone) and may reduce your formulation costs.
Click below to access our selector guide and contact us today to speak with a specialist about LANXESS preservatives and antimicrobial additives.


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