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Increasing Efficiency in CCL Presses

Increasing Efficiencies in Electronics Manufacturing

In the realm of electronics manufacturing, the significance of temperature control is paramount. This case study follows an innovative electronics manufacturer that was struggling with their incumbent lubricating oil, resulting in much higher budgetary costs, maintenance downtime, and headaches around excessive component wear.

The Challenge - Copper Clad Lamination (CCL) Presses 

Copper clad laminate (CCL) presses involve incredibly high temperatures, isobaric conditions, and rolling elements under pressure. This trio creates a difficult environment for the heating oil sumps to contend with; not many fluids can handle these extreme temperatures without combustion, deposit formation, or excessive oil loss.

The push towards 5G boards and more advanced material sheets has introduced extra complexity to the application. 5G board manufacturing requires temperatures 15%–20% higher than previous technology generations. Successful lamination of the sheets was possible at temperatures below 300°C. With more advanced material requirements, these temps could exceed 350°C, adding even more stress to the heating medium.

This jump in high-temp requirements has been too demanding for legacy heating media, resulting in constant monitoring, refilling, and maintenance for failed components. This greatly impacts production time and budgets, requiring more and more heating oils and replacing components caked in sludge, varnish, and deposit buildup. 


The Solution - Krytox™ XHT Oils for Temperature Control

Krytox™ XHT oils are highly engineered, fluorinated lubricating oils that exhibit a range of performance benefits that truly set them apart in the market of PFPE-based oils, making them the new go-to choice in electronics manufacturing.

  • Exceptional Thermal Stability & Non-Flammability

The XHT in Krytox™ XHT stands for extra high temperature, so high thermal stability is inherent to their formulation, resulting in a completely nonflammable and nonmelting solution. These oils excel in maintaining a consistent temperature within lamination presses, greatly outperforming competitive products.

  • Completely Inert - Non-Reactive

Krytox™ oils and greases are completely inert, and this nonreactive nature safeguards against delicate electronic components during the lamination process. This results in a greater, long-term reliability due to its degradation resistance from heat and other ambient conditions.  
  • Compatibility with Various Materials

The versatility of Krytox™ oils is further demonstrated in their high compatibility with a wide range of elastomers, rubbers, and metals, including copper, which are commonly found in electronics manufacturing. This compatibility ensures flexibility in production processes and diverse manufacturing needs.

The Results - Enhanced Efficiency & Savings

After switching to Krytox™ XHT Oil, the manufacturer [SS1] saw a dramatic reduction in part damage related to wear and corrosion, as well as a significant extension in the usable life span of the oil. They were able to reduce loss from oil evaporation by more than 80% and extend the operational life span of the oil by 67%. This substantial reduction in fluid spend and required downtime provides a significant, long-term performance benefit clearly measured in operational spend, equipment life, and production uptime.

Chemours Krytox™ XHT Oil Properties

Krytox™ XHT-750 and XHT-1000 oils deliver exceptional performance at incredibly high temperatures. Both oils are clear and colorless with high respective viscosities. They are intended for use in applications where oils are exposed to temperatures greater than 300°C (572°F), where conventional fluids encounter difficulties and longevity concerns.  

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