Born2Bond™ single-component anaerobic retaining compound adhesives take the hassle out of installation and assembly. These easy-to-use adhesives help reduce inventory and extend component lifetime. As liquid adhesives, they are simple to apply and fill all voids to protect and secure metal fittings.
These quick-setting retaining compound anaerobic adhesives are a simple-to-use solution that provides a complete connection between cylindrical assemblies and additional protection from fretting corrosion. Bostik Born2Bond™ retaining compounds achieve 100% surface bonding and establish an incredibly durable connection that can withstand vibration and exposure to extreme temperatures and even exhibits chemical resistance.
Born2Bond™ Retaining Compounds are compatible for active and passive metals, allowing for an instant solution for any installation or assembly need.
High Power Transmission
Resistant to Dynamic Loads
100% Bonding Connection
Vibration Resistant and Non-Loosening
Fretting Corrosion Prevention
Variety of Strengths and Viscosities
Increased Reliability
Extends Component Lifespan
Enables More Precise, Compact Design
Ease of Application
Reduced Costs
Decreased Storage Requirements
Common Applications
Bostik Born2Bond™ Retaining Compound anaerobic adhesives come ready to use in several convenient package options. They can be used for bonding all types of cylindrical assemblies across a wide variety of common equipment types and multiple industries, including but not limited to the following.
Application & Equipment Types
Gear Manufacturing
Machine Engineering
Bearing Assembly
Drive Shafts & Conveyor Belts
Centrifuges and Turbines
The Born2Bond™ engineering adhesives are produced by Bostik, owned by the Arkema company.
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