Born2Bond™ single-component anaerobic adhesive threadlockers take the hassle out of maintenance. These easy-to-use products help reduce inventory and outperform mechanical threadlocking solutions. As liquid adhesives, they are simple to apply and fill all voids to protect and secure metal fittings.
These quick-setting anaerobic adhesive threadlockers from Bostik provide complete surface coverage, securing the bolted thread without fear of loosening. They also act as a thread sealant, providing a fast-curing solution that protects from corrosion and other surface damage.
Born2Bond™ Threadlockers are compatible for active and passive metals, allowing for an instant solution for any difficult threaded connections on the job.
100% Connection, No Loosening
Evenly Distribute Force
Vibration Resistant
Corrosion Prevention Thread Sealant
Range of Low to High Strengths and Viscosities
Increased Reliability
Longer Component Lifespan
Easy-to-Use Adhesives
Versatile, Multi-purpose Solutions
Reduced Costs & Storage Requirements
How Does Born2Bond™ Work?
Common Applications - Threadlocking Adhesives
Bostik Born2Bond™ threadlocker engineering adhesives come ready to use in a range of medium-strength and high-strength solutions in convenient package sizes that can be used in a wide variety of common equipment types across multiple industries.
Application & Equipment Types
Compresors and Pumps
Liquid and Gas Storage
Gearboxes and Transmissions
The Born2Bond™ engineering adhesives are produced by Bostik, owned by the Arkema company.
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