NEOBEE® Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) are a power-packed formulation combination for better brain health. Backed by clinical studies, NEOBEE® MCTs have been available for more than 60 years. The Medium Chain Triglycerides are produced using glycerol and medium chain fatty acids from vegetable sources. This unique formula acts as an easily metabolized fat-source, reduces the impact of hypoglycemia on brain function, and increases brain antioxidant protection. Stepan® goes the extra mile with NEOBEE® to give your formulations a brain boost.
Energy: Alternative energy source to glucose
Rapidly Absorbed: Easily metabolized fat-source
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Certified: Mass balanced certified from sustainable sources
ChemPoint has technical specialists to assist you with your formulation questions and challenges. Contact us today to discuss your project, or to get a quote or sample of ingredients for brain health applications.