Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) are an advanced and efficient solution for heating and cooling buildings by utilizing the consistent temperatures of nearby water sources such as lakes, rivers, or wells. The performance of WSHP systems heavily relies on the specialized heat transfer fluid that circulates within the system, tranferring heat to and from the water source.
Choosing the right reference fuel is important. That’s why ChemPoint is proud to work with Chevron Phillips Chemical Company. With over 50 years’ of experience in manufacturing reference fuels, Chevron Phillips Chemical's products support over 150 ASTM test methods.
DOWTHERM™ are best in class heat transfer fluids from Dow. They are designed with dynamic properties to meet the modern industrial application needs. Explore our portfolio of specialized grades for superior performance and extended durability.
DOWTHERM® stands apart in the heat transfer fluid industry due to it's dynamic properties and a broad portfolio of specialized grades with best in class performance.
The MOLYKOTE® Food Grade performance lubricants provide superior protection and friction control in a wide variety of applications commonly found in the food & beverage manufacturing industries. Learn more about their solutions portfolio here!
Chevron Phillips N Butyl Mercaptan (Butanethiol) is a yellowish liquid with strong odor used as an industrial solvent and intermediate in steam boilers, feed water heaters, piping and heat exchangers.
Chevron Phillips N Butyl Mercaptan (butaanthiol) is een geelachtige vloeistof met een sterke geur die wordt gebruikt als industrieel oplosmiddel en tussenproduct in voedingstoepassingen, evenals tussenproducten voor smaak en geur, agrochemische tussenproducten om vruchtbaar land te behouden, gewassen te verbouwen en een gezonde veehouderij.
Il Normal Butil Mercaptano (Butan tiolo) è un liquido giallastro caratterizzato da un forte odore. Questo prodotto trova impiego come solvente industriale e intermedio di reazione in diverse applicazioni, come ad esempio additivo nel settore alimentare, intermedio nella produzione di aromi e fragranze, intermedio per la produzione di prodotti agrochimici.
Chevron Phillips N Butyl Mercaptan (Butanthiol) ist eine gelbliche Flüssigkeit mit starkem Geruch, die als industrielles Lösungsmittel und Zwischenprodukt für Lebensmittelanwendungen sowie als agrochemisches Zwischenprodukt für Geschmacksstoffe und Aromen verwendet wird, um das Land fruchtbar zu halten.
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